Your Personal Challenge!
You’ll get a dedicated community manager whom will track your progress and whom you’ll directly can communicate with!
For 47.5EUR (ex. VAT) you receive access to knowledge of this health expert, one of the worlds’ best in his/her expertise field!
Getting just one private workshop with them is around 75 EUR – 500 EUR.
What exactly do you receive?
- 5 Themes with each quiz questions that are a psychological way of getting you to learn actively
- Access to a community with other members participating in the challenge
- A community manager you can contact directly
- The “Moovs” application where you can log images & be inspired by other members!
Is this for work or at home?
Both ! We all spend about 30% of our life at work, so it’s important to do it healthy!
The MoovChallenges have been created for you to ACT and get new habits with ease both in your personal and worklife.
It’s all flowing in each other!
What will your contribution for this community be used for
🙏 50% of your contribution goes to your Healthguru so she can
1. Make space in her fully booked schedule to manage the community, answer your questions. The more participants the more time will be available.
2. Optimize it, you’ll have lifelong access and benefit from each update
3. Create new, more advanced challenges to guide you every step of your journey
🙏50% of your contribution goes to
🐥 to the Moov-IT app hosting (saving) your profile and pictures in Ireland
👣 to the Moov-IT techgurus to update the app, add new features, make things better!
💋to the MoovMarketing so they can create even better onboarding, nicer designs, and wake up the world with warm heart-centered news, posts,…
✍ to the MoovSales team guiding new participants, spend time connecting and bringing people together via social media
👄 invest time in attracting new amazing Healthgurus for you to learn from pioneer knowledge
👩🍳invest in finding worldwide spaces to organise soul gatherings where you can visit your community group ‘real-life’ in the future!
If budget is a challenge for you, you can also propose us an exchange with your skills!
Any questions?
We are here to help! Mail