A challenge that many of you has asked us. What is YOUR Dreamjob? How does it look like?What if you did not go to college or university? What types of jobs are out there? How do you create your own job?
By Griet Johanna, Founder Moov-IT.eu
If you are like me, you believe you CAN learn any skill.
The true question then is.. what does your dreamjob truly look like.
What do you WANT to learn?
This is different for every person.
Here’s a great 3-step model, developed by Lodi Planting, that we use at Moov-IT to help our teams, followers and customers creating their Dream Job.
Even after 20 years of work, people are still career shifting.
Life happens and interests change.
You may like a high pressure analytical job in your twenties but feel a need to shift to a more human-centered wellbeing job in your thirties and forties.
Are you ready to try these 3 steps? Take a pen and paper and write down 1-2-3.
Here we go! We call this the TreeCircle Model.
What is the Treecircle Model?
The three-circle model combines any type of skill, with a passion (unpaid hobby) and a target group.
Step 1: You write down all your skills (ex. sales, marketing, finance, business,…)
Step 2: You write down all your passion (ex. horses, nutrition, mindset, breathwork, meditation, …)
Step 3: You write down a target group of people you’d like to help with your skills + passion.
This target group can be (ex. bank, technology companies, marketing companies, hospital staff, volunteers community, a country government, …)
This is an example of how it looks like

Your dreamjob is :
You combine your skill of (…) (fill in with the 1 skill that you like most) with your passion (…) fill in with 1 passion) and your target group (…) fill in with 1 target group.
Is your passion in the Wellbeing field?
If your passion is in the Wellbeing field: movement, nutrition, purpose, connection, mindset, health, preventing dis-ease, social connection, healing… then you are part of the ‘Wellness’ industry!

Is your passion Wellness and your ideal target group working with Groups of people?
Welcome in our Corporate Wellness world!
Have you heard about Corporate Wellness before?
It’s often shared under Vitality, Wellness, Wellbeing, Happiness Manager, Community Manager.. or through the more ‘negative’ ‘absenteeism manager, staff turnover manager,…
Moov-IT Teams are focused on the TreeCircle.
Each of our Team Members have their own story and unique way of connecting with us. You combine your Skills, your Passions and work for Businesses (cities and companies)
Using the threesome helps you to your spark, high energy and passion at work.
Many people use it after they quit a job that didn’t give them energy anymore. They decided to reassess and combine their skills (example: marketing) with their passions (ex: health) and focus on creating healthy places to work.
Would you like to know more?
Here’s 3 options to learn more:
- Follow Griet Johanna on Youtube get weekly inspiration videos about Corporate Wellness and Moov-IT
- Check out the daily updates on Instagram
- Our Digital Nomad Course spends 2 hours about going to this in detail and your coach will help you clarify it.
- The Book written by Griet Johanna ‘Out Of Office‘ has >5 examples of how Griet Johanna evolved her Dream Career from working 9-5 to travel the world as investor in 8 years by consciously honouring her skills, passion and target group. The English version ‘Wellbeing Digital Nomad’ can be preordered via email
- Join an Internship at Moov-IT. If your passion is health and wellbeing, then you can learn more about 6 key roles in a company during this 12-week or 30h per week internship.
- Get coached by the Dreamjob consulting team for 1 year to get your own corporate customers.