You decide what company or city you want to work for.
Corporate Wellness careers work best in companies with more than 200 employees.
There are only 55% of companies in America with a Corporate Wellness manager and only 10% outside of America.
This is an overview of companies that do not yet have Corporate Wellness Managers:
In the US, 30.600 companies do not yet have this role. A total of 2817 firms located in New York need a Corporate Wellness Manager and/or Consultant. This career requires 3345 people in Australia, 1186 in Belgium / Flanders, 2817 in the Netherlands, and 302 in Vancouver!
It is possible to do 2-3 clients per year as a consultant, for every 60 days.
When you complete your first project, you decide whether you want to grow your business and hire people, or if you want to support the company internally with training and tools.
You can work remotely whenever you like, wherever you want, setting a good example for your company’s work-life balance.
How quickly did companies go from zero marketing to marketing becoming THE most powerful position? Isn’t it amazing how quickly the world changed from no crypto to hiring crypto managers?
Speed and preparation is Everything
The more clear you set your goal. The easier you achieve it!
Markets shift quickly. It’s now the perfect time to proactively reach out before the company starts actively recruiting so you are ahead of the crowds.
Corporate Wellness managers are not yet present in 45% of US companies. There are still over 90% of global companies without this position.
Get a unique competitive advantage with 0 other applicants before these companies post the job.
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