This new program is released by Vik right from the islands of Gods in Bali out into the world to help you flourish in the next few days.
Healing, growth and transformations don’t have to be hard
They don’t have to come through pain, misery, suffering and loneliness
They can come through, ease, joy, laughter, sensuality and play
It’s the difference between getting smacked in the face with a wet weasel every time you order a delicious dessert at a cafe before they bring it to you
Or you can just get the dessert without the weasel.
Either way you get the dessert
The wet weasel to the face is entirely optional
There is no greater value or worthiness because the journey was hard
No bonus
Everyone has their own flavor and style of journey, but the suffering is entirely optional
This is why after studying over 70 modalities and schools over 18+ years I have come to see and realize that a lot of schools are based about delayed gratification, deprivation, celibacy, fighting the senses, starving the body in a cold dark cave, not eating meat, desserts, etc
Does this deprivation actually create anything though? Or can you still grow while being nourished and supported, having amazing $ex with your partner and enjoying yourself?
Good news, everyone! You can!
The more nourished your body is with sleep, pleasure, fun, amazingly playful $ex, and your core energies coursing through it, the more EFFICIENT and quick your growth can be – because you are not struggling for survival, but are ENJOYING each step of the journey
Because it feels fucking good to be alive, instead of having to “suffer through until you learn the lessons”
You can learn and choose through Choice instead of having to pass somebody’s exams
You’re the one who decides whether or not you pass the exam anyway
So why not A+ ace it now and save yourself the heartache?
This is what I teach in my courseS
about Full Body Pleasure
and Activate Your Soul Magic.
You can grow to enjoy yourself, nourishing your body, communicating with it and your partner’s body to find out what would be the most nourishing for growth and healing
You can learn to channel and embody the energies that make you thrive, with ease, joy and pleasure
Enough of learning through pain
Order to learn how to expand your sensuality and magic through joy