Product Content:
Left Brain:
❇ Welcome and share your needs (15min)
❇ Meditation to go into your parasympathetic nerve system. (+-10min)
❇ Bodyscan to use quantum physics laws and focus your mind (+-10min)
❇ Intention setting to use the your vortex, clear stuck emotion and attract your desires (+- 10min)
❇ Sharing & new habits (+-15min)
If you are mostly left-brain (rational/analytical/..) you’ll have most benefit if we take enough time so you understand ‘why’ we are doing things so you can gentle come and get to know your right brain /feeling side. Therefore I prefer to take most time in your comfortzone, you’ll share and I’ll explain you.
Right Brain:
❇ Your intention
❇ Meditation to feel free from all your thoughts
❇ Bodyscan to feel blizz in your body and feel each organ, cell, muscle and kundalini energy
❇ Intentions to let go of control and feel your way to your future
❇ Check-In and 3 new habits
If you are used to ‘right-brain’ and feeling we’ll dive in your feeling comfortzone! We’ll do a short meditation and a longer bodyscan so you can sink really deep into your subconscious. If this intuitively feels good we’ll also call upon life force energy and increase your inner creational power. We’ll focus on your need and ‘visualize’ your future and new habits together because if you can visualize it, it must happen. If there’s time and we get in flow, we’ll work through emotions that are linked to your dreams to fully open your manifestation powers.
Left or right brain?
Exercise 1:
Do you easily ‘surrender’ into meditation and sink deep in your body? Go for right.
Exercise 2:
Close your left nostril and breath through your right.
Close your right nostril and breath through your left.
❇If breathing through your left nostril is easier, you are currently right brain dominant
❇ if breathing through your right brain nostril is easier, you are currently left brain dominant
❇ If no difference, use result of exercise 1
❇ If you have no clue, choose left brain dominant
Looking forward to connect! 😘
Tantra is just a word… It’s a word with a meaning…
Would you love to feel every part of your body, feel how your body is your guide in both intimate and other relationships
Do you want to live to your fullest potential, feeling boosted, fired and connected to yourself and others?
Do you resonate with one of these:
- You feel burned–out
- You are “awakening“, becoming more sensitive to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, energies, …
- You are looking for your soulmate OR you’ve found him/her and want to create more intimacy in your current relationship? You want to be seen, heard and felt?
- You want to change your life?
After studying healing for 3 years working with insights of the world’s pioneer on health research and studying all topics of the Moov-IT piramid,
Griet Johanna, founder of the worldwide Health Platform “” started researching relationships on 4 levels:
- Spiritual: how can I feel connected with someone?
- Emotional: how can I feel my own emotions and connect with someone else’s emotions?
- Intellectual: how do I let go of non-serving thoughts and allow another person to fully be and express him or herself?
- Physical: who do I feel attracted to and can I accept that and consciously choose to act upon it or not rather then being “controlled” by physical impulses.
How can I listen to my whole body and feel bliss in every cell, organ, sensual part of my body? Letting energy flow freely and living a life of abundance and joy?
By seeing herself as a “human experiment” she read books, wrote blogs & books, digital courses and experimented herself, privately and taking courses with world renowned Tantric teachers:
- Stéphanie Borgers – Tantric Women Coach, founder of Red Tent of Gent & Conscious motherhood advocate – (Italy)
- Margot Anand – “The art of sexual ecstasy”- The World’s leading expert on tantra (France, Bali,..)
- Allison Armstrong – The Queen’s code (UK)
- David Deida – The power of the real man / the power of the real woman (US)
“Acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative spiritual teachers of our time”
- Abraham Hicks – Law of Attraction (US)
- Ron Twuiver – Holland & Australia – (Australian Tantric Festival )
- Floor Slagter – Reiki & Tantra Level 2 – Soul Tantra institute (Netherlands )
- Jacqueline Ananya Snelder – Soul Tantra – Tantra, ayurveda & yoga (Netherlands)
- Giulia Lops – Kundalini TantraYoga “light your fire!”
- Bruce Lyon (New Zealand) – ” Unconditional love” & “Releasing Shame”
- Laurie Handlers (US) – Working with powerful emotions for lovers
“Laurie Handlers is a Sex and Happiness Coach, author of Amazon #1 International Bestseller – Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy”
- Kalyss Mercury (Sweden, Australia) – BSDM in a mindful way
- Jesse Thomas – The Art of Kissing
- Monique & Peter Darling Peterson – Foundations of Ecstacy
- Dancing EROS for all – Zoe Zapparoli & Laura Deva
- Ohad Pele Ezrali (Israel) – Love Tunnel: from Light to Darkness
Ohad is the author of several books, (mostly in Hebrew) one of them is a revolutionary research on the sacred aspect of “Lilith – the wild dark feminine force”, which holds the secrets of healing human sexuality. Another book is exploring the erotic concepts behind the ancient Temple of Jerusalem and the way this knowledge was used in meditations in ancient jewish mysticism of the Merkaba.
- Sara Stenlind (Sweden) – energy
- Katie Grice (Australia / Koh Phangan) – Reiki
- Yaniverse & Sprout – Tantric Shibari (Bali, The Netherlands)
- Wilbrand Schothuis & School der LiefdesKunst (NL at Living Vilage Festival)
Griet Johanna practiced all of the teachings with beautiful souls from all around the world, open for a true, honest and deep learning.
The TantricPrivateSession is a journey for you and/or your partner to create immense insight, and if you choose so, transformation in a small period of time.
When is a Tantric Private Session for you?
- You have started with Start2Tantra and are familiar with your own thoughts and emotions
- You are in relationship or attracting a soulmate and want a “MIRROR” to quickly see your current patterns
- The session will last between 45 min and 1.5 hours depending on what unfolds in the session, what you and your partners needs are
- Griet Johanna will intuitively guide you through some techniques to explore deeper patterns.
These techniques are meditation, breathing, yoga, acroyoga, trust exercises and Thai massage. - You don’t need any previous experience, only an open mind, eager to learn and being gentle for yourself.
- The session will be recorded via timelapse for you to observe together afterwords and reflect and share: what did you feel, when did you take distance, when did you come close? Observing yourself is one of the most powerful ways to learn and see yourself and your patterns. Enjoy lovely!
How does it work?
- Mail to with 3 possible dates and times you’d like to have the session
- Moov-IT team will check if Griet Johanna or another Tantric Teacher is available in your country and city
- We’ll confirm the date and moment and give you instructions on how to confirm the session
- Add this private session to your basket, pay and check-out
- When taking the private class you automatically receive the Start2Tantra pack. All info and welcome brochure will be downloaded when purchasing this product.
- With Start2 tantra you become part of a worldwide community and you’ll be able to share with other Start2 tantra students
The Start2 Tantra course you can find at the Moov-IT online community platform.
- You’ll find this course
- Each “episode” has a video you (optionally: and your partner) can watch
- Take notes, drawings, or write anything that comes up during the video
- After watching the video, you’ll find cheatsheets to guide you through your practice
- Use YOUR creativity and intuition to create a practice meeting your needs
- By watching the video and taking notes, you’ll have a “guideline” of how your practice CAN go, but tantra is all about just “allowing” everything to happen.. So focus on a couple of “methods” you’d like to use, and then go WILD and FREE! Look things up on youtube and FEEL like a 3-year old playing with another 3-year old: FEEL, SMELL, LISTEN, … go slow and ALLOW everything, there is no goal. The videos are a guide for you to find your own voice. Your voice will guide you deeper and deeper and that is where the magic of tantra happens, when you let go of anything that NEEDS to happen but you can Play Play Play and have fun. Even after one year of practice often during an intimate encounter, there’s no orgasm or even penetration. We play, feel, emotions come up, all is allowed and sometimes penetration of orgasm isn’t necessary… Flow, allow. This is a SPACE of safety of having fun and seeing your partner in a whole new way without goal. ALLOW everything, and let go of thoughts.
To guide you, there is also a “club” called Tantra where you can share your experiences with other Start-2-Tantra members. There’s a “everything stays here” rule so you can feel safe about what you share. If you communicate, take responsibility for your own thoughts, beliefs and emotions so always say “I feel, I belief ..” not using we or you and keeping responsibility to your own feelings and emotions. You’ll see how quick the world will transform!
Do I need a partner?
You do not need a partner for tantra.
Although most exercises involve a partner, a great way to start is to develop your imagination.
So if you don’t have a partner you can also “imagine” and write about how you’d love a first date, a sexual encounter to go.
This can even be more powerful because once you know what you want to feel, you will attract it naturally, I promise!
What after Start2Tantra?
All is flowing to create the Tantra level 1 course which will go a lot deeper than the start-to-tantra course.
This course will be funded with the Start2Tantra income so once we have 500 subscriptions to Start-2-Tantra we can start creating the level 1 course!
Please share all your questions to continue like
‘How can I get a full body orgasm?”
“How can I learn to trust my partner?”
==> All your feedback will be used to explore the best teachers and gather all learnings in the new course!
Do we only do it 1x?
You can (and I’d definitely recommend) use the Start2Tantra course over and over again. You could make it a habit to do episode 1 every Monday, episode 2 every Wednesday and episode 3 every Friday. You’ll see it will always create a deeper and different practice!
But HOW do we do it?
The videos are a guideline for you to find YOUR flow. Browse music YOU like on youtube, find guided meditations that resonate with you and use all their is on the internet. The videos are a starting point for you to develop your intuition and flow.. And once you get used to this way of learning, you’ll be able to use it in ALL parts of your life!
Love & Light,
Griet Johanna