How to make an impact on the daily work-life of +200 people each day?
Once you understand the business language behind wellbeing, it becomes easy to convince your manager or CEO to assign a wellbeing representative to their company. This will provide employees with proactive wellbeing support.
There are still many CEOs who believe that an apple on their desk, a running competition, a good bonus system, or a nutrition workshop are sufficient to keep their employees healthy.
Corporate wellness managers are not yet available in 45% of American companies.
To start talking to managers and securing your dream job, follow these 3 steps!
The following are three of the most powerful action items from our Dreamjob training.
We encourage you to do each of these every week (or even every day if you can!) to gain momentum and Master the Art of Selling.
Power Activity 1:
Each day, interview one health and safety advisor.
The power activity 2 involves identifying burnout CEOs and athlete-CEOs. Request a demo of our course to get specific sales scripts and all steps to connect with CEOs on Linkedin.
Power Activity 3: Making a presentation focusing on your company’s current situation and absenteeism cost, as well as potential future situations ( is a great free tool for this) for your sales meeting.
Our new one-year training program will start in October 2022 and include all the new learnings of the world’s lockdown period and evolution in online sales, finance, marketing, product, etc. In a weekly meeting of 25 consultants, we will cocreate, boost, and form a true team.
Are you looking for a new boost, new insights, tips, motivation and wisdom for your Corporate Wellness journey?
Then this program can be the perfect motivation during your workweek to speed up reaching all your goals and feel part of a team of business athletes.
an intro meeting to discuss your next goals and see if there’s a fit!
We are now also hosting a limited amount private sessions focusing on refining all habits towards your unique goals.
We use a combination of business strategy, reiki energy, and the energetic knowledge tantric philosophy to create the best outcome in each strategy session.
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