I wish somebody told me it could be this simple this 8 years ago!!

To start and run a successful business, you must focus on all 6 of these areas, EVERY single day. 

It must become you easy 6  one-minute habits each day!

Even if you are just starting or thinking if entrepreneurship is for you…

START with these 6 areas to develop 1-min habits in… 

You will see 
• Your business 
• Your energy 
• Your life 

Boosting forward! 

A big reason businesses fail… is because owners are too focused on just 1 area! 

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Do not focus ONLY on Marketing.

Marketing skills will get you leads. Not sales!*


* Unless you have automated your sales process with a big online machine with funnels and automated webshop that helps do the work of the Sales.

Do not only focus on sales skills.

Sales will get you paying customers, not happy returning clients!

Do not spent > 1/6th of your time on your business each day on building your product.

You need to market it BEFORE you finish it as it will give you crucial market info you want to know BEFORE finishing.

Business is a 1-1 relationship, not a 1-way stream. 

Focus on growing skills in all 6 areas of entrepreneurship , for example: 

 Every day fall in LOVE with your product or service. Read and share testimonials to truly understand how your product or service changes peoples’ lives! You will give your customers more results then you ever imagined! Your product/service is just the beginning.

#entrepreneur #dreamjob #corporatewellness #mindset

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